The Bright Coast

Progressive Thoughts from San Diego Alums on Law, Politics, and Culture

Checking in

Posted by brightcoast on April 13, 2013

Hello readers, assuming anyone checks this dusty old thing anymore.

I thought I’d check in for a bit to give you a brief and ambiguous update.

I think of this blog often, and wish I had the time to keep the content current, but alas I currently do not.

I never did get a worthwhile job practicing law after graduation, eventhough I graduated cum laude and passed the Bar on my first try.

I eventually gave up looking and decided to wait for a better opportunity. The rejection from Starbucks still stings!

Alas, eventually I was able to find work as a professional blawger, it was incredibly part time and underpaid, yet I did that for over a year. Then I found an even better blawging job, so I’m still doing that. I almost never get to blawg about current topics that interest me, which particularly include SCOTUS decisions, so I get my fix by engaging with former law school classmates about current legal events, and am putting off the longer copy for that some day.

I’ve started a personal blog, but out of respect for this space I rarely if ever cover legal events or laws.

I do eventually plan to resuscitate this beast when I get the chance, but I can’t say when that will be. I can tell you that the WordPress app may make this substantially sooner rather than later, but I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, hope life and the law is treating you well!

One Response to “Checking in”

  1. demkid said

    Miss you, too! 🙂

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